After all the posing, Orton and Barrett had a decent match. Barrett threw some great strikes and played the heel really well, I'm not sure if he could ever be a successful face though. Then Randy got into his routine: scoop slam, DDT from the ropes... Until the ref got knocked out. Barrett hit Randy with the WWE title and ordered Cena (cue screams) to be the replacement ref. He complied and counted but Orton kicked out at 2, which led to an argument between Cena and Barrett. Randy then hit a picture perfect RKO and won. So that's 2 hometown boys losing, well done WWE. You really know how to book a show.
Then came the interval. Justin Roberts hopped out of the ring after telling us to buy a photo 'personally signed by John Cena'. No thanks. Lauren asked me to go and see Justin Roberts with her, I said no. She asked again, I said no. She asked again and I eventually went and stood at the barrier with her, only to have my hand touched by JUSTIN ROBERTS. Announcers love us, first that girl who used to announce on ECW waved at us, then Chimel gave us a nod, now Roberts touched my hand. Who's next?
Match 7.
Maryse, Tamina and Alicia Fox vs. The Bellas (Groan) and Eve (GROAN). Maryse and Tamina I can watch wrestling quite happily. But adding a person who's legs are far too long for their body, 2 twins who are possibly more annoying than Taylor Swift's face and someone who has as much personality as a wet sponge does not help the situation. After saying all that, the match wasn't too bad. There were a couple of botches but they were recovered well. Maryse played an awesome heel whilst the Bella's wrestling has got so much better. The thing that annoyed me most about this match was the silly smark sat behind us chanting, 'BORING'. If he had opened his eyes he would have seen that this Divas match was better than most of the ones they have at the televised shows. Stupid man.
The Bellas and Eve won, somehow. Yet another face victory.
Match 8.
Sheamus vs. John Morrison. We love Morrison so much that we made him a 'I ♥ JOMO IN SLOW-MO' sign. I thought of that myself, how clever of me.(Maybe I should copyright it...) He saw it and pointed. We, yet again got over exicted and nearly ripped the sign in half. This match was excellent and one of the best of the night. It was clearly practice for both of them and almost the exact same match was on RAW a couple of weeks later, but it was still amazing. JoMo and Sheamus are both in great shape and delivered some new moves, you couldn't take your eyes off the match. Sheamus won in the end (and was the only heel to do so all night) but we were not too disappointed as JoMo saw our sign again.
Match 9.
MAIN EVENT TIME! First out was the Miz. The next WWE champion came out to a chorus of boos (not from us, of course) and proceeded to tell the arena why he is so awesome. He then got Alex Riley to say a few words about him which ended up with the quote of the year: 'I fold this man's underwear and I like it.' Genius.
I know most people say that Cena is the new Rock and Orton is the new Austin, but Miz is more like the Rock than anybody else in the company. The way he poses, talks and carries himself shows that he has been influenced by 'The Great One'. Although, I think he should do a Mr. Anderson and let the crowd finish his catchphrase.
Next out was Mr Cena who got the loudest pop of the night. We did not catch his cap or T-shirt, despite our Cena sign. The little kids in the front rows got them instead, which prompted the question, 'Why can't I be small and cute anymore?' When I was 7 years old, the biggest superstar around was Stone Cold and he was more likely to throw a can of beer at your rather than his cap. Been as we were sat on the 5th row, we could hear Cena say. 'I'm feeling good tonight' and it showed. Cena was doing dropkicks and leapfrogs all over the place, very athletic for a guy who many say, 'can't wrestle'. Both him and The Miz put on a solid main-event with Miz taking some time out to shout at little kids wearing Cena merch. A-Ry got involved and Miz went to hit Cena with the MITB briefcase but Cena dodged it and he hit Riley instead (Miz then pulled the funniest face known to man, unfortunately I didn't get a picture). Cena hit the AA and won.
All in all this was an amazing show, the wrestlers did a fantastic job of entertaining us. Even if they have travelled half way across the world, are jet-lagged and exhausted they still perform to the best of their abilities. That's why we love it.
Roll on TNA in January!
R x
Woo Woo Woo. You Know It.
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