Monday, 5 July 2010 tights are the future. - 5 July '10

Here at 'Oh My...' we like, no love, Cody Rhodes. This is why there is yet another blog about this 'Dashing' superstar after this week's Smackdown.

His promo this week was truly HILARIOUS. I know that he can't stop telling people how dashing he is, but who knew the man had this much comedic talent? Ok, maybe it wan't supposed to be funny but I laughed because I know how much of a nerd he is really...(Woah, is that a Zelda Triforce Cody?)

The whole backstage area and the fact that he was wearing a towel reminded me of this monumental event in WWE's history >

On Superstars this week, something happened that is quite possibly
the shocker of the century. Zack Ryder...In trunks.

WHAT HAPPENED ZACK?! Where did your one-legged tights go? When Zack walked down the ramp, there was a gasp, then a silence of about 30 seconds before Lauren got why I gasped in the first place. (She had a Joey moment.)

We still love Long Island Iced Z, but we have to ask the question : "Why Zack, why?" Is it because your ex-girlfriend decides to exercise during Smackdown tapings? I suppose we will never know, but please ditch the trunks.
Everybody knows that one-legged tights are the future...(And plus it took us so long to make those damn tights on SvR 2010.)

We seem to notice on RAW that when John Cena doesn't have the championship, he reverts back to the comedian Cena. However, when he does have the championship he seems to be all serious....
Therefore, this week John Cena came down the ramp smiling. He made a few jokes, danced around a bit and even called Sheamus a human jar of mayonnaise. (Even though John himself used to be pale, search for Episode 49 of the Dirt Sheet, you will love it.) I adore this Cena, the man who shows off his mic skills and makes you laugh. It makes him a bit more likable to the masses.
Be funny Cena! It suits you!

R x

Woo Woo Woo. You Know It.

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